
1863 Aug 4


Macon Hospital

August 4, 1863

Dear Jane,

I will write to you again today.  I think I am mending some.  I am some heartier than I was when you was here.

I wrote a letter yesterday and sent it to Milner by Morgan Bloodworth.  He and Mr. Perdew was down here.  Mr. Bloodworth came up and talked to the doctors to try to get me off, but they said I would have to wait until the Board met and then I could get a furlough.

I wrote to you in that letter to tell Pa if he would come down Friday, I would buy his expenses on the train. and if he could not come, for your Pa to come and try to get me off, or Cap Lynch.  But if Pa or old man Seaborn don’t come, you need not send anyone else, for if my doctor can’t get me off, nobody can’t -– I mean the doctor that comes around every day.  I would be glad to see Pa or old man Seab.  If they don’t come, you need not pay anybody else’s expenses.

I have not drawn any money yet.

I want you to write to me soon.  Give me all the news.

I want to come home very bad, you know.

I have just finished reading through my Testament.  I have not done much else but read since you left here.

So, I will close.

Back you letters thus.  Write to me soon.  Farewell, Jane.

W. H. Harden

General Hospital

Macon, Georgia

I will come home as soon as I can.

W. H. Harden

Nancy J. Harden