
1881 Nov 13


At home

November 13, 1881

Dear Brother Harden,

As I have no appointment today, and feeling lonesome and sad in my crippled up condition, I thought I would try to write you a few lines.  I understand that the church at Ockmugee has called you to preach for them, and I was glad to hear it, and I hope you will accept the call, and may the good Lord make you a long and lasting blessing to them, and them to you.

I told some of them when they called me this year that, if I served them, they would have to help me, which they have failed to do.  I asked Brother Holiway if three or four of the brethren could not let me have some fifteen dollars apiece and I would give them a mortgage on my mare.  Instead of that, he laid the matter before the church, which thing I did not ask him to do.  I never asked a man to give me a cent, only I said to some of the brethren if I served them, they would have to help me.

I want you to say to Brother Hollway I am truly sorry that I ever said anything about the matter at all.  My wife is lower down than I ever saw her in my life.  If the brethren had sent some pension home with me, she would not have thought so hard of them.

Here we are in a bad fix.  I am unable to do anything, only what I can do with one hand, and don’t know when I shall heal.  That trip over there was a dear one to me, and what hurts me worse to think that I ever said anything about money to anybody.

Well I reckon the brethren thought I was too poor even to pay it back, or was not honest enough, or something else, I don’t know what.

Farewell, Brother Harden.

When it goes well with you, remember me.

Yours, as ever.

J. Mullins