
1895 Aug 28


Hope, Georgia

August 28, 1895

Mr. S. J. Harden

Dear cousin,

After so long a time, I will try to answer your kind letter.  I reckon you think I have forgotten it, but not so.  I have been going to meeting so much till I neglected to write.

Well, this leaves us all well but Ma.  She is not very well this evening.

The people round here have had a bad time to save their fodder.  It has been raining so much.  Pa has not lost any of his yet, but it is not too late yet.

Camp-meeting begins at Bluff Springs next Friday.  I guess I will go Sunday, if no more.  There is so much drinking I will be almost afraid to go.  There was a boy thrown from the buggy about three weeks ago and almost killed.  They did not think that he would ever get well.  The doctor told him if he drank a pint in three months he would be a wild man.

I guess your Sallie when you said you did not tell me the rest of her name, but someone else did first the same.  You are ahead of me.  I have never found out my fellow’s name, if he has one.  The fortune teller was up in here the other week.  I ought to went and got her to tell me whether I had one or not.

I have no news to write that will interest you, and as I am in a big hurry, I will have to come to a close.

Hoping you will excuse bad writing and spelling.  Write soon and a long letter.

Your cousin,

Saidie Harris

P.S.  If you cannot read this, just put on your specs or get someone else to help you to make it out.