1862 Sep 14
Salt-works near Tallulah, Georgia
September 14, 1862
Mrs. Nancy J. Harden
My dear companion!
I embrace the present opportunity to write you a line or two which will inform you that I am well as common, hoping these lines may reach and find you and Mollie and all the rest of the families well, and doing well.
Well, I washed last night and I put on my new shirt and I dreamed a dream and will tell you what I dreamed after a while. But my shirts came to land safely and I was proud of them. They are the best shirts I ever wore in my life.
I also received your kind and affectionate letter on the 11th instant which gave me great satisfaction. I was sorry, however, to learn that you was unwell with sore throat and headache.
I have had the aching in the back of my head all day today.
I am glad to hear from my crop and the nice pigs. Sorry that our shoats are gone. I want you to make all the inquiry you can about them. Ask Samuel Bankston to look round and to ask at Duncan McCellers’, James Yarbrough, and T. Harper’s and perhaps you can find them. Tell Sammy and Tom Jones to ask about Mr. Taylor’s and Williams’. Perhaps they are in that direction.
Tell Tom Jones to pull corn out of that old potato patch place to feed the old sow as I have paid the rent for that. Get Samuel out to take care of your potatoes and all that is there.
I will come home when my three months is out if not sooner.
Never equivocate nor prevaricate, but speak the plain truth.
Well I said I would tell you my dream.
I dreamt I saw a little feature,
It was a lovely little creature.
In my arms it fondly came
And proved to be my little dame.
Yes it was our little Mary,
Came to me in dreams of night,
But when I woke it was contrary
To my visionary light.
She said to me: this war won’t last.
Said she: it’s closing very fast.
Then said she: you must not know
How the scale intends to go.
Then she said: my God will bless
And save the innocent at last.
My darling then did me caress
And disappeared toward the West.
This is my dream as it appeared to me last night.
I also dreamed of catching some fish and some very large ones.
I believe I have written all and so I will close.
Give my respect to the old man and your Pa and Ma and all the children and to all my friends, and receive a liberal share for yourself.
Your devoted husband,
W. H. Harden