1874 Aug 2
Pike County
August 2, 1874
Dear brother and sister,
I take my pen in hand to drop you a few lines to inform you that we are all well as common, hoping this may reach you in due time and find you and family all well.
I have looked and waited to get a letter from you until I decided that if you wrote, it has got misplaced. So, I though I would write.
We continue to have fine growing seasons, and crops are doing as well as they could. I believe corn crops are as good as the land can make them in this settlement. Cotton is generally late, but is making as fast as it can. My individual crops, you know, is very late, but it look well, and if we should have a late fall and no disaster comes, I shall make a find little crop.
I am in hopes that you have had rain and that your crops are doing better than you thought they could do when you was here.
Mrs. Russel died yesterday, and Sam and Sarah and me and Ma started to go to the burying today, but before we got far we learned that we were too late. So I came back to write. Also, Miss Ann Williams is dead and was buried yesterday. I did not learn the disease of either, but you know Miss Ann has been down a long time.
Mr. Jones’ family are all well as common. I came by there from Griffin the other day, expected to hear from you. They have been carrying on meeting at Bethel about a week. Only one joined: Miss King. This was the time at Harmony for them to have meeting, but the preacher did not come, so they were disappointed.
Pa has been bad off since you were here, but is now on the mend. Him and Gus is talking of going to Griffin tomorrow. If they go, I shall send this letter.
I have been trying to clean off a place to sow some turnip seed, but it is so rough that I can hardly do anything with it. It is the fresh place in the clover patch.
I must close for tonight by saying I remain your brother until death.
W. P. Harden to W. H. Harden
W. P. Harden