1864 Mar 10
Thunderbolt Battery
March 10, 1864
My dearly beloved wife,
I write that you may know that I am well and hearty, hoping that this may reach and find you well, also the rest of the family connection.
We have got back to our old camps again. I will try to give you a description of our trip. We got orders to be ready to move when the steamboat came for us. It came last Sunday, and we packed up our mules and put them on board. We stayed on shore until after midnight. When we took up the line of march, went up the river one and a half miles. Went aboard. I and Spencer took it on foot for ten miles in order to get the mail. We went to the Ogeechee Bridge, then to Way’s Station. Stayed there all day. That night about dark, we took the train. Got to Savannah at 8 o’clock. There we were met by wagons to convey us to this place, where we arrived soon after midnight. I reckon we will stay here awhile, now.
I believe I had rather stay there than here, but this is the most convenient.
I have just eat my dinner. I wish you could have been here to help me eat peas. We draw peas, rice, syrup, and bacon and meal. We get plenty.
I thought I would get a letter today, but I reckon our letters have gone to Fort McAllister. So, we will have to wait until they come back.
March 11.
I will try to finish my letter today.
I am well and hearty and hope you are, too.
I drew a good pair of red leather shoes. They are number tens. I could not get but one pair. If I could get more, I would swap them for you, but I can not. I hope you have got shoes before now. If you have not, I want you to get some as soon as you can because you will want them next winter.
I hear that the Yanks are trying to land on Whitmarsh. There was some firing there yesterday. I also understand they are shelling Fort McAllister. If that is so, they sent us off in good time to keep out of a fight.
I want you to direct you letters to Thunderbolt.
I have no news.
I want to see you and Mollie very much, and all the rest.
I want to know how they come out organizing the State Troops - whether Perkins was Captain. I predict for Pa to be Waggoner and your Pa Mail Carrier because what they don’t write he can tell.
There is no talk of peace here.
I will close.
Yours, etc.
W. H. Harden
Remember me.