1863 Feb 13
Camp Gordon
February 13, 1863
Mrs. Nancy J. Harden
My dear companion,
I again seat myself to drop you a few lines which will inform you that I am not well. I had the bellyache last night and I feel a little drowsy this morning but not so bad but what I want to eat, and as soon as the boys gets dinner done, I am going to try my hand. I may be in good health soon.
I hope, however, that these lines may reach and find you and Mollie both well and doing well. Also, all the rest of our family connection.
I received your kind and affectionate letter yesterday and I was glad to hear from you and Mollie. I do wish I could see you and her.
We have orders to be ready for battle at a minute’s warning. The cannon are roaring around today. We have 30 rounds of cartridges apiece. I am not anxious to get into a battle, but if I do I will stand up the best I can.
I will write some more this evening or tomorrow.
February 14
Again today seat my self to drop you a few lines which will inform you that I am well this morning and still hope these few lines may reach and find you all well.
Jane, tell Uncle Aaron that he cannot get his Spirits here, for the railroad will not take it.
I have not drawn any money yet but I will soon. I wrote in my last letter that I would put some money in it, and I sealed it and sent it off before I thought to do it. Since that, I have bought me a pair of shoes for which I paid 8 dollars, and that took all the money I had but 5 cents left. My old shoes busted so that I had to buy some.
I am glad that Pa has taken Jack.
You must take care of everything and save all the money you can and I will do the same.
I left 2 dollars with Mr. Benson for you.
So I will close.
Your devoted husband, etc.
W. H. Harden