
Away And This Day

© by Jay Harden


If I accept happiness,

Will it be taken away?

Dare to be too happy,

Even play in the fields

Of the divine,

Will it be taken away?

And will I lose love –

Again –

Will it be taken away?

Too much to risk, but if I do,

Will I then take it away?

Fear – that bastard of time –

Feel my contempt,

My resistance breathing free.

The wounds of half a heart

Turn to anger

And burn out the doubt,

Holding safe my joy for now –

And something better –

Over the voices of then.

Work it through, work it out, make it gone.

And wake up with the fullest heart.

My life to live, I take and I give,

Now, forever, this day.

July 30, 2008

O’Fallon, Missouri