
1874 Aug 12



Pike County

August 12, 1874

Dear brother and sister,

I seat myself this morning to write you a few lines to let you know how we are.  We are all well as common.

I am here at Ike’s.  I came here last Friday.  I truly hope when these few lines come to hand, they find you all well.

Daughter has a fine boy, a week old tomorrow.  Daughter says she wishes you could see him.  He is almost as big as Eulah.  They speak of naming him Seaborn Jackson.  He cries all night and sleeps all day.  Daughter says to tell Willie and Nancy to come and see his pretty black head.  Her and Eulah take on about not seeing the children yet.

Jane, I heard from home night before last.  They were all well then, I think.  I will hear today.

Ike has gone to Bethel Church today.  Meeting has been going on there all this week.  Three have joined.  They say they had a better meeting yesterday and last night they ever was at, they believe.

Jane, we received your letter the second day of August.  I was glad to hear from you all that you got home safe and all right.  I was sorry to hear of its raining on you before you got home.  It thundered very loud at home.  Bell says:  You reckon it’s a thundering where Harmon and Jane is?  It never rained much here that evening.

Jane, Uncle John Jones has just left here.  He is on his way home from Beulah Church.  He says it was the best meeting he ever saw.  He believed he said 25 has joined – hopes of more, he said.

Aunt Tabby was alive – she was when she left home – and can walk some with her crutches.

The connection is well as far as I know.  Harmon, Pa’s family was well as common last I heard from them.

Jane, old Mrs. Russell is dead.  She was buried last Sunday, was a week ago.  She died the first day of August.  She was sick a week.  Jane, we never went to see her in her sickness.  We heard she was sick and heard she was better the night before she died.  Pa passed by there the morning she died.  Mr. Russell told him she was better.  About twelve o’clock, they sent after us.  She was dead.  Yetty Ann said she told her that morning she would not live to see the sunset.  She told her to go and cook her one biscuit and make her one cup of coffee and that would be the last she cooked for her.  She eat it and that was the last.  She knowed everything till the last.  She said all was right with her.  They all took her death hard.  She was buried in a coffin that cost 40 dollars in gold.

Jane, Cousin Ann Williams was buried the evening before Mrs. Russell was buried.  They said she was sick a hundred and ten days.

W. P. Harden to W. H. and N. J. Harden