1874 May 10
Pike County
May 10, 1874
Dear brother,
I seat myself this morning to drop you a few lines to let you know how we are. We are all well as common today except colds.
Susan is a little on the mend. She has had a heavy spell, about six weeks down, and is just getting so she can sit up a little.
Granny got home on Friday after leaving you on Thursday. She was fatigued considerably, but did not seem like she could rest nor smoke all that day for talking.
The weather is pleasant now, and look like marmers could begin to do something.
Corn don’t seem to grow much yet, but I hope it will take a start now. Cotton is not come up well yet, and what does? Corn don’t look like doing anything. Wheat is only moderately promising. It has the mold and rust in many places. Oats look tolerably well and if they don’t take the rust nor mold I think there will be a good crop made; and as for grass, it hasn’t made much appearance yet, but I reckon the seed is hardly all washed away. Weeds seem to be doing better.
I went to Flat Rock yesterday. Lyon gave up the Church last meeting, and they chose Godard, and he refused to serve them under the circumstances. He preached a good sermon from the Hebrews, second chapter, 2 and 3 verses.
Sarah, Lizzy and myself have been to Bethel today. There was a tolerable good turnout. Hooten preached from Revelation, nineteenth chapter, part of sixth verse.
As I don’t know when I will get to send this off, I will stop and finish when I find out, or get some of the rest to finish.
W. P. Harden