1865 Feb 19
Ophthalmic Hospital
Americus, Georgia
February 19, 1865
My dear companion,
I seat myself to answer your kind letter which I have before me now. I am proud to hear from you once more and that you was well as common.
This leaves me well, except my ears. They are sore. The doctor has been working on them. He has done me no good yet that I perceive.
I hope these lines may reach and find you well and doing well, also the rest of the family and friends.
I received your very welcome letter day before yesterday and I would have written sooner, but I wanted to go yesterday to Mrs. Spencer’s, which I did, and found them all well as common and doing well.
The old lady Spencer said to tell Margaret that she has got three of Martha’s children and two of Jordan’s at her house to try to raise. Martha’s stepmother has two of her other children. The old lady says she thinks she has got provision enough to do until she makes more. Two of her daughters are living with her. She says tell Mrs. Spencer to write to her. The old lady says she wants all to stay out of the war that can, etc., etc.
I am glad to hear of so many men at home and hope they will stay till I come.
I don’t wish the Police any harm, but hope they will freeze up if they continue to ride.
I was not surprised to hear of Bill Cook and Sikes being at home, but will be surprised to hear of their leaving.
I was also glad to hear that Sammy was at home.
Tom Head will play the Devil when he gets to conscripting Negroes and white men both, but he is the chap to do the work.
I am in hopes that you will hear from Brother Wash by the next letter I get. I have not heard from him since I left home.
I drew some tobacco yesterday and will draw some more tomorrow. They say we got back rations. Tomorrow is the regular time for drawing.
I have no war news to write.
The doctor is furloughing, retiring and discharging men occasionally. I am only watching my opportunity. Maybe I’ll get to come home sometime though it may not be soon.
I will close for this time. Farewell for this time.
Yours, etc.
W. H. Harden
Tell the girls all to write.
I wish I could be with you now.