1863 June 13
Thunderbolt Battery
June 13, 1863
Mrs. Nancy J. Harden
My dear companion,
I seat myself this morning to inform you that I am not well. I have some cold and cough. I think it won’t last me long. We have had some bad weather and that is the reason of my cold.
I hope these lines may reach and find you and all the rest of the family well.
Mr. Singleton is going to start home today and I will send this by him.
All the sick men who are not able to do duty will get a thirty days furlough or sixty days, and the Board of Doctors has to examine the hospitals twice a week and see who ought to go home. This is just right and just what I have been waiting for. If I do not get better of my cold, I am going to try to come home soon. I shall go to be examined the first chance.
We have had for the last four days powerful wind and rain, but no damage that I know of.
I shall look for Mr. Brooking today and see if he brings me any of that pig. If so, I will eat a good dinner.
I will have to stop writing as the time has come for Mr. Singleton to start.
You must write to me as soon as you can and I will do the same.
So, I will close.
Yours, etc.
W. H. Harden
Mr. Benson is well, also Mr. Orear.
Mrs. Nancy J. Harden
Milner, Georgia
By the hand of Mr. Singleton.