In Sympathy With Me
© by Jay Harden
When you vibrate
In sympathy with me,
Your words wrap
Me in a breeze
Of better understanding,
Adding grace to my intention.
The persistence
Of your accepting heart
Helps me
Through the brace
Of clinging misdirected noise.
When you vibrate
In sympathy with me,
Clarity manages my moves
And I know
Who I must be,
What I must do,
And how I can love.
And in some soft, sweet way,
The gift that holds me returns home
A greater peace to you.
The mystery and magic
Of dancing together touchless
Under the same moon
Never fails to improve
Every present possibility.
You say that you really are
My divine reflection,
And I think I am yours.
And I am more.
More noble to myself
And braver still
Because you vibrate
In sympathy with me.
July 2, 2008
O’Fallon, Missouri