1864 Apr 1
Thunderbolt Battery
April 1, 1864
My dear companion!
I seat myself to drop you a line to let you know that I am well, except colds, hoping these lines may reach and find you and Mollie both well, also the rest of the family connection and friends.
I have just received your kind letter of the twenty-eighth, last instant. Was truly glad to hear from home.
I have no news of interest to write to you. We have no war news at all. No political news.
We have a Chaplain in our regiment. He is a very fine looking man of the Presbyterian order. He preaches to us three or four times a week. Has prayer meeting nearly every night somewhere in camps.
I fear you will have to lose ten dollars of your money. I am sorry you did not get it off before too late. If I had had it here, I could have changed it for small bills.
I have got to believe now if we don’t move from here, we will never get into a fight. The Yankees have all gone somewhere else. I reckon we don’t see so much sign of them now as we did some time ago. I hope they will stay away.
I am reporting now at the hospital because I am too dull to do duty, and the doctor is working on my ears. He says if he can’t cure them when he has thoroughly tried, he will recommend a detail for me. Captain Martin told me yesterday that he would recommend me, also. If I have luck, I will get a detail before summer. I am going to try to get to Griffin or Macon. If I can get a place in the conscript bureau, I will take it.
The weather has been very cold here and bad, but it is pleasant today. It rains here most every day, etc.
I think Mr. Benson will get a furlough next week. I hope he will. I and him and Mr. Orear fixed up a box to send to some of you. I put a pair shoes and two dirty coats in it. The rest of the things belong to them. Mr. Benson put a black cap in and forgot to mention it in his letter. If you find it, you may know that it is his. He requested to state this that Mrs. B. might know.
I am sorry to learn that the weather has been so bad up there.
I am glad Jim Harris is in a good house and gets enough to eat. I think it has been a long time since he was at home. I am right sorry that I can’t come.
I am going to make my baby another ring. I have tried to get her a book, but I could not. I will try again when I get some money.
You must not spoil my baby. You must give her a little switching and that will help.
I will close for this time. I will write a little in the morning.
Farewell for the present.
April 2.
I am still about as well as common. The weather is cold and windy. It looks like it might be snowing up the country now.
We will now start our box this morning. I hope you will be sure to get it.
I will close.
Your devoted husband until death.
William H. Harden
Learn Molly to spell, soon as you can.