1874 May 12
May 12, 1874
Well, Harmon, I am resting at present. I will try to write a few lines to you to let you know how I am getting along.
We have had a sight of rain this spring, dry enough though now.
We will get done planting corn this evening. I think we have plowed over all our corn since the rain.
We are done planting cotton. There is nearly a stand up all over it. I expect to go in plowing it in the morning.
Wheat is as good as you could expect for the season. I find some rust in it.
Oats doing very well, so far.
I will quit writing about the crops.
The people about here is well as far as I know.
I heard some good sermons Saturday, and at Bethel, Mr. Hooten preached Sunday. His text was in Revelation 29, the last part of the sixth verse, “Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.” He interested the people.
I must quit and go to plowing.
Well, I did get done planting corn, and it rained, too. I expect to set out potato slips tomorrow. We have a right smart set out, and we cooked the last of our potatoes today. That do settle it.
I think of Father Williams very often. I would like to see him and Mr. Polk and them gentlemen that helped us on the road, especially the one that willingly pulled that chestnut stump.
So, come when you can and also write. We are glad to hear from you.
I. A. F. Clayton
May 13, 1874
All well as common.
I have just got back from Aunt Clary’s. We have got our cloth started to weaving. It don’t look as well as we thought it would.
Aunt Clary said tell you she was poking about attending to her chickens. She said tell you not to let the children be in the rain, for three or four weeks after they get well are the dangerous time for them. Don’t start them to school too soon, Jane.
I haven’t seen any of Pa’s folks in five weeks Sunday. I heard from them Sunday. They were all well but Aunt Tabby. Tom Clayton was there. He said she was in bed. She can get about somehow or other with a chair, and ill as ever.
Bet and Belle Shurly have written to you before now. I told them when I was there if I could write like them, I would have wrote before now. I wrote you a letter in March and neglected sending it off.
Jane, I haven’t seen Bud and Molly in some time. Her baby was a great big boy and mighty pretty child when I asaw him last. Sheral says him and your baby favors each other.
Bud calls Ellice and Lalah his little killdee. They say her and Lalah favor. She has been powerful sick with her teeth. She has about four to come through yet.
I thought I could finish on this piece of paper, though I can’t. I want to tell you about my chickens.
Let Clayton