1862 Sep 19
September 19, 1862
Moss Cabins, Georgia
My dear companion,
As Mr. Statham did not go home the other day, I will try to write some more which will inform you that I am still well.
Mr. Statham and Mr. Stough are both going to start home this morning.
I hope this will find you and Mollie well and all the family and connection.
I will not send any salt home to you at this time, but I will before long. Tell the old man Seaborn to write me what salt is worth by the bushel. Mr. Stough will call to see you when he gets home. He will leave a sample of salt there for the old man Seaborn. Write me if you all are out of salt and I will send some forthwith.
Tell Pa’s folks that I am going to write to them soon.
Tell Ma I wish she would send me some butter by Mr. Stough and I will pay for it.
If you want my money, write me and I will send you some. I have got two dollars in change yet of the money I started with.
I and James Short have quit using tobacco.
I dream of you and Mollie every night nearly.
We like Mr. Stough better than we do Mr. Martin.
I expect I will stay down here all next year and make salt if the war does not break.
So, I will close. Write soon. Good-bye.
Kiss Mollie for me. Learn her to be a good little girl.
Yours truly,
W. H. Harden
[probable handwriting of Margret A. Harden writing the start of a reply letter on the same paper]
Dear brother,
I seat myself to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am well at this time, hoping these may reach and find you well.
Ike and me is gone to Uncle Jack’s.
Mollie is well except the cold.
I want to see you. The