1863 Nov 3
November 3, 1863
City Hall Hospital
Macon, Georgia
My dear companion,
I seat myself to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am not well. I had a light chill this morning and I have had fever ever since.
I hope these lines may reach and find you and Mollie well, also all the rest of the family.
I will send you a paper of pins and your white bowl that I brought butter in, and I will send twenty dollars by him for you. You had better pay it to old man Lynch. I will send some clothing also. You can use as you please.
I drew a pair of shoes yesterday. I will draw some more as soon as the payrolls are sent to headquarters and return.
Cap Lynch is here and will start home tomorrow, and I will send these things by him.
My bowels are hurting me. I can sit up, but I cannot do much today.
I think I will get leave of absence in a short time so that I can come home a few days.
Alfred Perdew passed through here today.
We have lost two men in two weeks in our company.
I will close.
I will write soon if I get no better.
You must write to me.
Yours, etc.
W. H. Harden