1863 Dec 6
Thunderbolt Battery
December 6, 1863
My dear companion,
I seat myself to drop you a few lines which will inform you that I am well at this time, hoping these lines may reach and find you all well and doing well - also, all the friends and family connections.
I arrived here last Monday morning and have been on duty once since. The Yankees comes in sight here occasionally, but no danger of a fight here.
I came from Macon without a certificate. The doctor promised to send it to me, but he has not done it yet. I am afraid he will not. I am better satisfied here than at the hospital, unless I could have a detail.
Our rations are very short now, but we have enough to live on very well.
I reckon you think it is a long time before I write, but I have not had time to write sooner. I will send this by Mrs. Benson. She will start home Tuesday or Wednesday. I will write more tomorrow.
I have signed the payroll and I will draw some money soon and send it to you by the first chance I get.
Tell Sammy if he finds out that he has to go, to come down here. He can’t stand it up the country.
We have had a week of very cold weather here, but it has been dry. I am afraid it has killed the wheat up in Pike, but I hope not.
If I get sick, I will try to come up the country to a hospital.
I understand that we will have to go on Whitmarsh to picket in two or three weeks. I don’t believe our regiment will be moved from here until spring, if then. We are bound up a heap tighter now than we were last summer.
I have drawn another uniform, but I have not drawn any shoes yet, but I will if I can.
I will finish tomorrow.
December 7
It is very cold this morning. I have found my Janes pants and knapsack. I have not found my striped haversack. My comb, book, and trunk are all here, and my old uniform coat. I wish I could find my haversack. My knife and fork are gone. I think maybe I will find them.
I have just come in from heavy artillery drill. The wind and sand are very severe at the batteries. I think I will stand it very well through the winter, and I will try to get a discharge or a detail before summer.
I cannot hear from General Bragg or Longstreet. I do not hear any news now about the war.
I do not know what to do about getting you some shoes. You must have some. It is too cold for you.
I must go and report at Captain White’s office December 8.
I am still improving, that is, gaining strength. I will be on duty tomorrow. We have to go on guard about once a week, and that is light.
Tell Pa’s folks and Sammy and Sarah that I cannot get paper or I would have written to them. I will write them as soon as I can. Give them my respects.
Tell Wash to save me 25 pounds of his tobacco and I will give him $1 per pound. Tell him to press it good for me, and I want you to send me some the first chance. I have to pay high for tobacco here. I don’t want you to send more than four or five pounds at a time for fear I might have to leave and lose it.
You must direct your letters thus:
Corporal W. H. Harden
Savannah, Georgia
In Care Of Capt. D. N. Martin
Co. G
63rd Regiment
Georgia Volunteers
I will close. Good-bye. Yours, etc.
W. H. Harden
Give my love to all the family, etc.